Distributed by FlowCAD


Consulting, sales, training and support
Please direct your inquiry from Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Eastern Europe to our exclusive distribution partner FlowCAD in Feldkirchen near Munich.

FlowCAD CAE Solutions GmbH
Mozartstrasse 2
D-85662 Feldkirchen
Phone: +49 (89) 45 63 - 77 70 (telephone exchange)
Fax: +49 (89) 45 63 - 77 90

Get more informations from www.flowcad.de and from www.flowcad.ch.
Mr Dietmar Lautwein is at your disposal for any questions and further informations about the NEXTRA® products:
Phone: +49 (8143) 992 65 81 (directly)
E-Mail: dietmar.lautwein@flowcad.de

NEXTRA®s exclusive distributor for
Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Eastern Europe
